When Trouble Arises
Dealing with an ocular emergency can be a stressful, scary experience. It’s important to be aware of eye emergencies, their causes, and what to do if you’re ever caught in one to help protect and preserve your eyesight.
An eye emergency can happen to anyone at any time, and may effectively steal your vision or cause permanent damage, but staying aware can help prevent that.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of an eye emergency, you should call us or head to your nearest emergency room immediately. The sooner your eyes are assessed and treated, the better the chances of recovering without permanent damage.
We organize our schedules to accommodate emergency appointments, so please, don’t hesitate to reach out if you’ve found yourself in an emergency situation.
Types of Eye Emergencies
Your eyes are delicate organs that are vulnerable to injuries and accidents. Even minor injuries can cause permanent damage and even blindness if not treated promptly, so be sure to call your optometrist or visit the emergency room if you’re experiencing an eye emergency.
Chemical Exposure
Cleaning products, garden chemicals, and many other products can be incredibly dangerous to your eyes. If you get any type of chemical in your eye, rinse your eyes immediately with clean water for at least 15 minutes. If you’re wearing contacts, remove them as soon as possible.
Foreign Objects
Something small in your eye, like dust or dirt, can be uncomfortable, but is generally easy to remove. You can try rinsing your eye with clean water if blinking does not remove it. If you can’t get it out, please call our office.
If there’s something lodged in your eye, do not try to remove it.
Cover your eye with a paper cup or dark cloth, and call 911 immediately. A large object that has become embedded in your eye is considered a medical emergency, and surgery may be required to minimize the damage.
Sudden Loss of Vision
A sudden change or loss of vision can be a serious problem. If this happens to you, you should see a medical professional as soon as possible. Causes for sudden vision changes can range from severe migraines to a serious ocular health problem, like an acute attack from glaucoma.
The only way to determine the cause for your vision loss is to have your eyes assessed by a professional. If we discover a serious underlying cause or condition, we may refer you to a specialist so you can receive urgent and effective treatment.
An injury to the head, neck, or face can cause significant damage and vision loss. Even if you’ve sustained a minor blow, you should see your optometrist or doctor as soon as possible. Injury to the eyes or the surrounding bone structure can cause serious side effects, including retinal bruising or elevated intraocular pressure.
A hard blow may even cause retinal detachment, which can cause blindness.

Preventing Eye Injuries
The best way to protect and preserve your eyesight is to follow the proper safety protocols required of certain activities. Wearing the right eye protection can help you prevent vision-threatening accidents, so you should wear them as directed while using chemicals, dangerous tools, or anything else that could cause harm.
If you work a job where you need to use dangerous chemicals or tools, be sure to follow any mandated protocols on eye protection. Your optometrist can help you find suitable safety eyewear to wear at work, even if you need corrective eyewear.
If you’d like to learn more about eye protection and what you need to stay safe and healthy, we’d be happy to help. Please, book an appointment today!
Come See What We’re About

Visit us
We’re located on the corner of Encinitas Boulevard and El Camino Real.
- Phone: 760.753.6336
- Email: [email protected]
- 1454 Encinitas Boulevard
- Encinitas, CA 92024
Hours of Operation
- Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Friday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed

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